
Cotton Conference Registration is open now

Cotton Conference Registration is open now 150 150 Cotton Conference Bremen

Bremen, 28 November 2023. The 37th International Cotton Conference in Bremen will take place on 20-22 March 2024. In the Bremen Cotton Exchange’s 151st business year, the event will be…

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Tagung und Jubiläum begeistern die Branche

Tagung und Jubiläum begeistern die Branche 150 150 Cotton Conference Bremen

Die Konferenz begann mit Keynotes zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen in der Baumwolllieferkette Bremen, 19. Oktober 2022: Eingebettet in die Feierlichkeiten zum 150. Geburtstag der Bremer Baumwollbörse fand am 29. und…

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Conference and Jubilee Inspire the Branch

Conference and Jubilee Inspire the Branch 150 150 Cotton Conference Bremen

The conference began with keynotes adressing current challenges in the cotton supply chain Bremen, October 19, 2022: Embedded in the celebrations marking the 150th birthday of the Bremen Cotton Exchange,…

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